Monday, February 2, 2009

Locks on doors.

Imagine yourself walking up your driveway with an armful of stuff trying to balance a fastfood bag and a super-sized cup. You get to the door and it's locked!

It's Saturday, your helping your mom outside make a new flower garden. It's 12:00 noon, you walk out the door, and remember that you forgot something inside, you grab the knob and turn, but your shit out of luck because someone locked the door.

Is it really necessary to lock the door everytime someone walks out or in? I don't think so but my family has OCD about locks, everyone of them! Even though I kind of feel left out because I don't have this problem, I'm so glad I don't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MoniqueAmi said...

LOL...I know how you feel. My boyfriend is anal about our door being locked. We live on the second floor in our apartment complex. It is so common for me to be walking up the stairs with my arms full of groceries which I have to put on the ground to dig my keys out of the bottom of my purse. Unlocking the door and pushing it open, then I have to pick all the groceries up and carry them in. I complain about it, but it does no good! Good blog

MissMirandaV said...

You know, I have never been big on locking my doors either. I live in a quad-plex. You know, a house with 4 apartments in it. Anyway, my neighbor recently had a guy just walk into his apartment and use his bathroom. Gross! So I am thinking there is something to this whole door locking phenomenon. So think about a stanger using your bathrrom next time it gets on your nerves that the door is locked.

kBw said...

I agree with you! My finance is obsessed with locking the doors and turning the alarm on...even when we are in the backyard playing with our dog. I cannot understand this! But I do understanding locking your doors when ever you are leaving it for more than 10 min...but not if you are right outside!

dotsmom said...

Okay, I'm glad you don't know where I live, but I hardly ever lock my back door. If I'm running to the store (which I can see from my house), I don't lock it. I don't have neighbors behind me; I have one neighbor right next door with a 6ft privacy fence, and my other neighbors live across the ditch. I feel secure most of the time. When I don't, I lock the doors.

K. Smith
Eng. 226

Cathy Johnson said...

My youngest son and my husband both are big on locking doors. Everytime someone walks in, my son checks the door if my husband does not beat him there. What is about locking the door in the middle of the day when everyone is home?

Back in the day when I was growing up I remember leaving my windows up all night and sometimes during the day is the weather was right. Now, my husband insists on the windows down and locked. I keep telling him that it is good to air a house out sometimes. Every once in a while he sees things my way. The lock issue I may never get him to stop.

I ask my husband and my son what is that makes you so compulsive to lock the door? Neither have given answers to justify this annoying habit, so I just unlock the door behind them.

Any suggestions or ideas to help solve this OCD problem I am open to new ideas.